Bending tools for profile bending machines

The tools and plastic tapes for bending are produced using high-density polypropylene and poliamid.
The tools for PVC profiles can be used for unlimited period of time and cannot be deformed or worn out.
The tools for Aluminium profiles are consumable and have to be modified or replaced after a certain period.Depending on the hardness of a profile, shape of a profile and maintenance the tools for Aluminium profiles can bend 50 to 200 arches without modification.
The price of one tool set for PVC profile is 2 to 3 times cheaper than the tools used in oil or infrared bending technology.
The price of one tool set for Aluminium profile is 3 to 5 times cheaper than the steel tools used on other bending machines.
If you would like to get the tool prices for your profiles it is necessary to send us catalog drawings of your profiles via e-mail. Based on your drawings we will send you tool prices for each profile and an optimized table with recommended minimal radii for which we guarantee quality bending with our tools. According to your drawings we will send you the tool prices for each profile and an optimized table with recommended minimum radius for which we give you our warranty that those can be bent with quality with our tools and our machines.
Note: One tool set is comprised of 3 rollers.
Note: One tool system is comprised of 5 tool sets (frame, window sash, mullion, door sash and glazing bead).